The Center for Education for Health Personnel (Pusdiknakes) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia opens and implements Service Education in the Health Sector both at the Secondary Education level (JPM) such as Schools for Health Nurses (SPK), Schools for Midwives, Schools Health Analyst Middle School (SMAK), Dental Management School (SPRG), etc., as well as Higher Education Levels (JPT) such as the Nursing Academy (Akper), Environmental Health Academy (AKL) and Electromedical Engineering Academy (ATEM).
Around 1989 the Schools of the Ministry of Health which were members of the Middle Education Level (JPM) were converted to Higher Education Levels (JPT) which were called the Academy, such as the Nursing School and Midwife School converted to Academy of Nursing and Midwifery Academy, Health Analyst Middle School to become Health Analyst Academy, Dental Management School to become Dental Health Academy.
Secondary Education Level (JPM) schools that were converted to Higher Education Level (JPT) likely to institutionalize felt many difficulties, so one of the best anticipations at that time was to be effective and efficiency is to develop the institution into the Surabaya Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes) including 13 Health Academies in East Java institutionalized into the Surabaya Health Polytechnic in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health-Kesos Number 1207/MENKES-KESOS/SK/2001 dated 12 November 2001.
The conversion is :
1. The Nursing Academy becomes the Nursing Department.
* Sutomo Nursing Academy became the Sutomo Nursing Study Program.
* Sutopo Nursing Academy became the Sutopo Nursing Study Program.
* The Sidarjo Nursing Academy became the Sidoarjo Nursing Study Program.
* Tuban Nursing Academy becomes Tuban Nursing Study Program.
2. The Midwifery Academy becomes the Midwifery Department.
* Sutomo Midwifery Academy became the Sutomo Midwifery Study Program.
* Magetan Midwifery Academy became the Magetan Midwifery Study Program.
* Bangkalan Midwifery Academy became the Bangkalan Midwifery Study Program.
3. Academy of Environmental Health becomes Department of Environmental Health.
* The Surabaya Environmental Health Academy became the Surabaya Environmental Health Study Program.
* Madiun Environmental Health Academy becomes Madiun Environmental Health Study Program.
4. Electromedical Engineering Academy to become the Department of Electromedical Engineering
5. Dental Health Academy to become Dental Health Department.
6. Health Analyst Academy to become Health Analyst Department.
And in 2007 the Surabaya Anesthesia Nursing Study Program was abolished, so the Surabaya Health Polytechnic consisted of 6 Departments with 12 Study Programs.
In 2010 there was a change of leadership in the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Surabaya, so that it became:
D3 Nursing Study Program Soetomo Campus Surabaya
D3 Nursing Study Program, Sutopo Campus, Surabaya
Sidoarjo Campus D3 Nursing Study Program
Tuban Campus D3 Nursing Study Program
D3 Midwifery Study Program, Campus Sutomo Surabaya
Magetan Campus D3 Midwifery Study Program
D3 Midwifery Study Program Bangkalan Campus
Surabaya Campus D3 Environmental Health Study Program
Madiun Campus D3 Environmental Health Study Program
D3 Electromedical Engineering Study Program Surabaya Campus
Surabaya Campus D3 Dental Health Study Program
Surabaya Campus Health Analyst D3 Study Program